Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mermaid Adventures

Today actualy started with a quest for hair!! Funny how I ended up as a mermaid ,posing under the water! Thats a fine example of what I love love love about Second Life (tm pft). So anyhoo, I was at Amorepacific looking for hair. I also found an amazing purple clam shell bed for the outrageous price of 0!!!

Aww taking a mermaid rest after all the swimming round the grid! I found some lovely places to take pictures and it also gave me a chance to fiddle with the windlight settings.

I think I used Funky Funky Funky for the pic above.
And Sailor's Delight for this one. I love the purple........yum! The coral just seems to glow.

MERMAID OUTFIT AND AO-Malaika Mermaids Aquatique
Thankies to Creamface Coolbum for the landmark ;)


Inventory Episode © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina